I'm trying to open a report that I've saved from another site. The error message keeps telling me 'it is not a supported file type or the file has been damaged' I've got Windows XP. Do I need to download something to support/fix this and where can I do it for free!Can anyone tell me how to fix an ASP error problem?
It's not clear from your question, but as I understand it you've saved a page from a website and the file you've saved ends in .asp. Now you're trying to open it in Windows but can't.
If this is the case, try renaming the file so it ends in .htm, then try opening it. That might work.Can anyone tell me how to fix an ASP error problem?
My interpretation of your question is the same as Daniel's; however, my response is quite different.
Changing the file extension from asp to htm **may** allow you to open the file in your browser but what you see displayed will ONLY be from the HTML in the file. The scripting (the ASP part) will be ignored.
If you want to examine the contents of the asp file, open it in Notepad; it is just a simple Text file.
If you have IIS (Microsoft's Internet Information Server) on your local machine, you can open the asp file in your browser but may still run into problems, depending on what the script is attempting to do.
For example, if the script is trying to run a query against a database, you must have the database itself (and it must be referenced correctly in the script) in order to work properly.
This is not a very detailed analysis but I hope it helps.
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