Monday, August 16, 2010

I have some Javascript and ASP in a webpage. How do I pass a Javascript variable to ASP (read below)?

Essentially I have a variable named ';strfile'; that is in Javascript. I need to access this variable or ';make it available to be used'; by ASP. The Javascript and ASP code is all in the same page.I have some Javascript and ASP in a webpage. How do I pass a Javascript variable to ASP (read below)?
The easiest way is to set the value of the JavaScript variable to a hidden input field.

%26lt;input type=';hidden'; name=';strfile'; id=';strfile'; /%26gt;

Then in your JavaScript, simply say:

document.getElementById ('strfile').value = strfile;

When you submit the form, the page that receives the submit action (could be the same or a different page), the strfile variable will be available in ASP as request.form(';strfile';)I have some Javascript and ASP in a webpage. How do I pass a Javascript variable to ASP (read below)?
Maybe this could give you a hint.

To get the whole query string:


the_name = Request.QueryString() ' Your var value


%26lt;script language=';javascript';%26gt;

var the_name = ';';



Dim the_name

the_name = Request.QueryString()

Response.write(';the name is '; %26amp; the_name)

Response.write(';%26lt;script%26gt;the_name=';';'; %26amp; the_name %26amp; ';';';;%26lt;/script%26gt;';)


%26lt;script language=';javascript';%26gt;



Hope this helps.

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